On the Ranch...

On the Ranch
When a Pony Dies
Poem by Cris Paravicini.

A Little Cowboy's Sugar
A little Cowboy's "Sugar"
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When A Pony Dies
By Cris Paravicini

When it comes to pass and your pony dies
It's the saddest moment still.
For as time tallies up those cherished years,
It seems unkind, I know, but 'tis Nature's Will.

You'll remember all she meant to you,
When you were but a boy.
You'll recall how that little "babysitter"
Taught you well and gave you joy.

She'd lope so you could sit up proud,
While you raced the mountain winds,
And you always shared a ride or two
With your family and your friends.

You could tell her all your secrets,
As you rode along the trail,
Then reward her with some juicy oats,
Fed from an old tin pail.

There's for sure a Pony Heaven,
Where small horses go to rest.
You see, it's just beyond the rainbow,
And they only take the very best.

And since "Sugar" was most special
I'll reveal the grandest part;
Your pony surely lives forever,
Deep within your heart.

The Pearson Angus Ranch is located approximately 2 miles northwest of Daniel, and 11 miles west of Pinedale, Wyoming. Cris can be reached by e-mail at: cowgirl@wyoming.com.

Copyrights: Photos and page text content copyrighted, Cris Paravicini, 2000. No part may be reproduced without permission of the author/photographer. Page graphics copyrighted, Pinedale Online, 2000.

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